6 Weeks To Sick Arms Ebookers

Blah blah in X weeks programs are usually terrible choices for anyone that plans to lift for longer than those X weeks. You want something with progression over months, possibly years.
What does your routine currently look like? What are your main lifts? Are you doing a lot of pullups and chinups (possibly weighted)?
Why not try to find a longterm solution to add more work for your arms if they're truly lagging? One bicep and one tricep exercise performed correctly twice per week for 3-5 sets of 6-12 reps will yield results for most people that train correctly (doing heavy compounds that also involve your arms). Some people's biceps even grow without any direct work because of all the heavy compounds they do. As a natural lifter, you have to factor in that your arms will only grow so much before you have to catch up other body parts.
Your body naturally wants to grow as a unit. While you can tweak it a little bit with exercise selection and hammering one muscle group with lots of volume, there is a limit. I would make sure your current routine is solid first for your ENTIRE body. Then take a look at where you might be able to add more arm work.
Weight Loss Calculator: Muscle Groups Articles and Videos. Find this Pin and more on [Fitness] Trends by studentrate. Jim Stoppani's 6 Weeks To Sick Arms.
Test how you respond to increased volume for your arms, then also test how you respond to leaving out direct arm work altogether. Once you have tested both for at least 3 months, you can probably make an educated decision about what to do about your arms in the future. It's very likely that you don't need to constantly pound them with drop sets and other methods like that to get them to grow. PHAT is a routine for advanced lifters that would not be a great idea for you right now.
Cartea Junglei Romana Torrenty. You really should be more concerned with X weeks to sick everything right now, not just arms. The short answer is. Run All Pro's Simple Beginner's Routine until you can't make gains on it anymore, then run Lyle McDonald's Generic Bulking Routine until you can't make gains on it anymore, then run Layne Norton's PHAT. Kypipe 2010 Keygen Free. All while eating enough calories that you're gaining about 3 pounds a month.
IMO, you don't need much or hardly any direct bicep or tricep work right now. If you do bench press and military press in the same workout, that's almost enough for triceps at first, then later you might consider adding something, probably incline bench press, but skullcrushers, dips, close-grip bench press, or extra sets of bench press / military press (probably at different rep ranges) are other options. For biceps, a horizontal row (rear delt rows, cable rows, bent over rows) and a vertical pull (lat pulldowns, chins) are almost enough at first, then later you might want to add a curl.