Caddo Parish School Board Drivers Ed Summer Programs

Caddo Parish School Board Drivers Ed Summer School. 3/23/2017 0 Comments Caddo Parish, LA - Official Website. CGA Summer Program Administration CGC. Child Nutrition Program; Transportation Department. 13-Feb-2018 Caddo Parish School Board Meeting. Copyright © 2018 Caddo Parish Public Schools. BESE-Approved Home Study Programs. A child who participates in a BESE-Approved Home Study program is. Child through the local school board’s.

Intel Desktop Board DriversRapides Parish School Board Drivers Ed

CONNECT COMMENT EMAIL MORE Scroll to the bottom to see full budget Drivers education, special education and summer feeding programs at Caddo Schools could experience a decline in funding or be absent this upcoming school year. The programs are among those with major cuts in the school district's proposed 2016-17 budget, which the Caddo Parish School Board will vote on Tuesday. Since 2008, the school district's budget has been seen significant cuts, some greater than others, Caddo Schools spokeswoman Mary Nash-Wood said. The school district had to make cuts across the board this upcoming school year, but no teachers were laid off, she said. 'Throughout this process, Dr. (Lamar) Goree and his staff have remained committed to ensuring there would be no layoffs while also seeking means of increasing resources available to students,' said Nash-Wood. The $487 million proposed budget represents a $2 million decrease from the existing budget.

If approved Tuesday, it would take effect July 1. General Fund - $397.4 million The statewide Minimum Foundation Program decreased funding in many area school districts, including Caddo Parish Public Schools. The district lost $2.2 million in MFP money and sales tax revenue decreased by $4.5 million from the previous year. 'This is nothing new to us unfortunately,' said Chief Financial Office Jim Lee. 'The state paid all districts money last year outside of the MFP formula — that's whats being reduced. They don't have funding to keep that going this year, at least not yet.'

But not all revenue decreased. Property tax is the second largest source of funding in the district's general fund. This revenue stream saw an increase from $98.7 million in 2015-16 to $102.6 million this upcoming school year, accumulating 25.8 percent of the general fund revenue. The leasing of Alexander Learning Center and Hillsdale Elementary School added $187,000 in revenue to the budget. This additional revenue will be deposited into the district's general fund for teacher and support staff salaries, benefits and the maintenance of facilities, according to Nash-Wood.

Approximately 68.7 percent of the budget will be used for instructional services, totaling $273 million. Transportation, central services, business services, general administration, instructional services and the operation and maintenance of plant all saw a decline in expenditures.

The only general fund expenditure that saw an increase was school administration, which accounts for 6.2 percent of the general fund expenditures, compared to 6.1 percent from last year. Lee said the school district has staffing reductions every year through retirements, attrition and people leaving the district. Since 2010, the district has reduced more than 1,000 positions, he said. 'We haven't laid anybody off,' Lee said. 'We probably have in the neighborhood of 200 people retire every year.' The school district has many staff vacancies in the special education program, which declined from $64.6 million last year to $63.2 million in this upcoming budget, Lee said. Nash-Wood said the district renegotiated its contract with the Ombudsman program — alternative education — which could potentially be cut in half. Soil Mechanics By Gopal Ranjan Pdf To Excel. All Ombudsman facilities will be consolidated into one next year.

She said it was the program's decision, not the school districts. 'It's based on the fact that less students are getting (disciplinary) issues, so we don't need as much of the program as previous years,' Nash-Wood said.

Burgmuller Op 109 Pdf Writer. 'We aren't having to utilize it as much.' Another instructional program, drivers education, was eliminated because less students are taking the courses. Lee said some students are taking the course outside the school district, though the cost is compatible.

Special Revenue Fund $57.8 million The special revenue fund — which accounts for revenue restricted for specific purposes —saw less than a 1 percent decrease from the 2015-16 school year. The decline stemmed from a reduction in local revenue. The largest expenses will come from food service operations with $19.2 million, special programs with $12.9 million and instructional staff services with $9.4 million. The summer feeding program would decline by nearly 43 percent from last year. 'Last year, we started out with about 15 sites and before it was over, we reduced it down to five because we had fewer students participating,' Lee said. 'That's what we based it on this year.' Capital Projects Fund - $20.9 million Some of the recommended projects outlined in the budget include a HVAC replacements at Huntington High School and Byrd High School, various auditorium upgrades totaling $1.25 million, district-wide roofing repairs, parking lot paving and gym bleacher upgrades at C.E. Byrd High School, and Southwood High School.