History Historians Gilderhus 7th Edition

Description For undergraduate and graduate courses in Historiography, Philosophy of History, and Historical Methods. Also an ideal supplemental text for Western Civilization and Intellectual History courses.

A comprehensive and balanced look at historical thought from antiquity to present day that will keep readers at all levels engaged and interested in the material. This concise, best-selling volume presents a thorough and comprehensive overview of Western historical thinking from ancient times until the present. History and Historians surveys the main issues and problems in areas such as historiography, philosophy of history, and historical methodology. The book strives for a balanced coverage and attempts to make the subject accessible to readers at all levels.
History and Historians. A Historiographical Introduction. Seventh Edition. This concise, best-selling volume presents a thorough and comprehensive. History and Historians (7th Edition) by Mark T. Click here for the lowest price! Paperback, 534. AbeBooks.com: History and Historians (7th Edition) (534) by Mark T. Gilderhus and a great selection of similar New, Used. For undergraduate and graduate courses in Historiography, Philosophy of History, and Historical Methods. Also an ideal supplemental text for Western Civilization and.
Product Description For undergraduate and graduate courses in Historiography, Philosophy of History, and Historical Methods. Also an ideal supplemental text for Western Civilization and Intellectual History courses.
This concise, best-selling volume presents a thorough and comprehensive overview of Western historical thinking from ancient times until the present. History and Historians surveys the main issues and problems in areas such as historiography, philosophy of history, and historical methodology. The book strives for a balanced coverage and attempts to make the subject accessible to readers at all levels. This short book does a good job of providing an overview of Western historical thinking from Herodotus and Thucydides to the modern period. The first chapter is a brief discussion of why we study history to begin with: curiosity, a need to bring order to the world, identify cause and effect, study the identity of a people, calculate the consequences of our actions, and to provide society's memory. Chapters two and three review the evolution of historical writings and their approach. Gilderhus begins with the ancient historians with a discussion of history in Greece and Rome and then reviews the influence of Christian thought; a paradigm against which history revealed the workings of God's plan.
This perspective began to disappear as Western Christianity divided and historians of various religious persuasions wrote histories supporting their perspectives of the past. Enlightenment historians went on to reject a religious approach or even a factual approach wishing to rely on reason for their proofs while at the same time denigrating the past. This gave way to the influence of romanticism and nationalism in the 19th century which led to a more scientific approach to research and analysis. 36) (In some ways this was a reaction to the emphasis on religion and God on man but it could also be a reaction to the renaissance emphasis on the greatness of classical civilizations.) Chapter 4 then reviews the philosophical aspects (speculative approaches) of history; Gilderhus says there are three schema: cyclical, providential, and progressive (p. 49) and discusses each in turn. Kypipe 2010 Keygen Free here. Chapter 5 reviews the analytical philosophical approaches to history reflected in the positivist approach (general laws exist that govern the outcomes of human affairs, and idealist thought (which believed that because history was about man, who had free will, history was not repeatable). Brookesmith By Henry James Pdf Converter.
Chapter six is a simple overview of types of historical papers and research. The last chapter summarizes the state of historiography as it has evolved in the last century. Entire books have been written about each of the areas addressed in Gilderhus' book; the strength of this book is that it provides a simple easy-to-read overview of the whole field and the thinking behind history. I have to preface this with the caveat that my graduate-level historiography class was taught by Dr. Gilderhus, though that was several years ago. Then again, he didn't see the need to use this text at that level of study.