Running Scared 1986 Ost Rar
Welcome to The Best Movie You NEVER Saw, a column dedicated to examining films that have flown under the radar or gained traction throughout the years, earning them a place as a cult classic or underrated gem that was either before it’s time and/or has aged like a fine wine. This week we’ll be looking! THE STORY: Two Chicago cops ( & ), fed-up with the bureaucracy of their jobs, plan on taking early retirement to Key West, even buying a bar.

After giving their captain thirty days’ notice, they discover that the drug lord they put away has been released on a technicality, and they vow to take him down before their retirement starts. Artlandia Symmetryworks Serial Mac Torrent. THE PLAYERS: Starring:,,. THE HISTORY: About a year before LETHAL WEAPON firmly established the buddy-cop formula that would define the eighties, funny-guys Billy Crystal and the late gave it a shot themselves in the rough-and-tumble cop comedy, RUNNING SCARED. An MGM release at the time that the studio’s fortunes were in the doldrums, they gave it a go, hiring, coming off the studio’s big-budget 2010 to direct.
They even went so far as to hire “Thriller” producer Rod Temperton to put together the soundtrack, which was to be filled with pop tunes. One of them, “Sweet Freedom” by Doobie Brothers singer Michael McDonald even hit the Billboard Top 10.