Canadian Human Resource Management 8th Edition Schwind Amaris
Buy Canadian Human Resource Management 8th edition (761) by Hermann Schwind, Hari Das and Terry Wagar for up to 90% off at Canadian human resource management 11th edition schwind pdf. List of ebooks and manuels about Canadian human resource management 11th edition schwind pdf.
Canadian Human Resource Management A Strategic Approach Canadian 10th Edition Schwind Test Bank Download at:canadian human resource management 10th edition pdf canadian human resource management 10th edition download canadian human resource management a strategic approach 9th edition pdf download canadian human resource management 10th edition schwind canadian human resource management 11th edition pdf canadian human resource management 10th edition ebook canadian human resource management: a strategic approach pdf canadian human resource management 9th edition. For any human resource department to be effective, it must first have a clear understanding of A.
The jobs found throughout the org anization B. The size of the organization C. The customer base D.
The technology involved E. The legal environment the firm operates within 2. The definition of a job is A. A position held by one person B. Whatever work is assigned on a particular day C.
The physical work space occupied D. A group of related activities and d uties E. The same as instructions given by the immediate manager 3. The definition of a job is such that a job may be held by A. No more than o ne person B.
One or more people so long as they are in different departments C. One or more people so long as they are in the same department D. Any number of p eople regardless of location E.
Part-time employees only 4. The collection of tasks and responsibilities performed by one p erson is called a A. Job summary 5. A business has on e supervisor and six workers; the workers have identical tasks and responsibilities. Therefore there exists A. Seven jobs B. Six jobs and one position.
Two jobs and seven positions D. Real Heroes Firefighter Download Cracked. Seven jobs and two positions E. Seven jobs and one position 6. Major human resource activities that rely on job analy sis information include all the following except A.
Determination of training needs B. Job design/redesign C. Fair compensation policies D. Setting of realistic performance standards E.
Maintenance of the org anization's physical infrastructure 7. Job analysis allows human resource specialists to A. Determine proper colour schemes for various departments B. Justify their existence C. Help protect the org anization from charges of discrimination D.
Drivers Korg K61 Video. Avoid detailed job descriptions E. Avoid legal requirements.
There are phases in the job analysis process. Phase 1 of the job analysis process includes all the fo llowing except A. Preparation for job analysis B. Collection of job analysis information C.
Uses of job analysis information D. Familiarization with the organization and job s E. Identification of jobs to be analyzed 10. In the first phase of job analysis, one activity a human resource specialist must do is A. Become familiar with the organization and its jobs B.
Determine sources of information C. Design collection methods D. Collect job analysis information E. Design job descriptions 11.
Job analysis information is used for all the following except A. Writing job descriptions B. Determining profit margins C. Designing performance standards D. Job design E. Assessing job specifications 12.
In identifying jobs to be analyzed, likely targets often include the following, except A. Jobs that are crucial to organizational success B. Jobs that may preclude members of equity target groups C. Jobs that are difficult to learn or perform D. Jobs where there is continuous hiring E. Jobs involving computers 13. The Vancouver Fire Department was found to be in violation o f the Human Rights Act by hav ing a minimum height requirement for applicants.
This could likely have been avoided by A. Simply re-writing the job description B. Avoiding taking the matter to the Human Righ ts Commission C. A proper job analysis process D. Appealing to city officials E.
Keeping the requirements secret 14. The collection phase of job analysis includes A. Determination of the uses of job analysis information B.