Download 2011 Rock Hard Challenge Pdf Free
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Rock Hard Challenge - Month 1 Need a refresher on the basics? We've got all of your exercise descriptions for this month's program Month 1 — Exercise Descriptions Rock Hard Bodypart Split 1Chest, triceps 2Legs, calves, abs 3Shoulders, calves, abs 4Back, biceps >>Perform each of these workouts once over a seven-day period (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, for example). Day 1: Chest, triceps Incline Bench Press Start: Grasp the bar with an overhand grip outside shoulder width. Unrack it and hold it directly above your face. Keep your upper back and glutes pressed against the bench, feet flat and spread on the floor or platform for balance.
Execution: Slowly lower the bar to your upper chest, coming to a complete stop without bouncing the bar off your chest. Db Texworks Downloads. Quickly reverse direction and explode the weight back up to full extension without locking out. Bench Press Start: Lie faceup on a flat bench, grasping the bar outside shoulder width at arms' length above you.
Bosch Pst 53a Manualidades. For balance and power, keep your head, shoulders and glutes in contact with the bench at all times, and your feet spread out flat on the floor. Execution: Lower the bar to your lower chest; your elbows should point out to your sides at the bottom of the move.
Open A Qxd File Without Quark Expeditions. Without bouncing, smoothly reverse direction and forcefully press to full arm extension directly above your chest. Decline Flye Start: Adjust a bench to a 30-45-degree decline. Hold a pair of dumbbells and carefully position yourself on the bench, securing your feet under the pads. Starting with the weights on your thighs, lie back slowly while moving the dumbbells into position at full extension above your chest, palms facing each other. Execution: Keeping a slight bend in your elbows, take a deep breath and lower the weights out to your sides in a wide, deliberate arc until your upper arms are roughly parallel to the floor or you feel a strong stretch in your pecs. Pause briefly and reverse the motion. Bench Dip Start: Place two benches parallel to each other about 3 to 4 feet apart.
Sit in the middle of one bench and face the other bench. Place your hands on the bench by your hips, fingers cupping the edge of the bench and your elbows pointing rearward. Support your body with your arms and carefully place both heels on the bench in front of you. Execution: Squeeze your triceps and slowly lower your glutes and upper body toward the floor until your upper arms are roughly parallel to it. Pause momentarily, then press yourself upward until you come to the starting position with your arms extended. Close-Grip Bench Press Start: Lie back on a flat bench with your feet flat on the floor.
Grasp the barbell with a narrow (inside shoulder-width), overhand grip. Press the bar up slightly to un-rack it, then steady the bar above your chest with your arms extended. Execution: Lower the bar to your lower chest, keeping your elbows close to your body. Do not bounce the bar off your chest, but rather when the bar approaches an inch or so away from your chest, pause and press the bar back up to the starting position. Squeeze your triceps and chest at the top. Lying Triceps Extension Start: Lie faceup on a bench with your feet flat on the floor. Grasp an EZ-bar (or straight bar) and grasp it with an overhand grip.