Understanding Exposure Bryan Peterson Ebook Pdf File
I started hanging around this forum last summer -- so for about 6 months now. A board like this is going to have 'themes' or characteristic traits because of the participation of long-term members. One of those traits on this board is the constant recommendation that beginners get the book Understanding Exposure by Bryan Peterson. So I had an opportunity to pick up a copy the other day. Granted it's cheap, has lots of pretty pictures and Peterson does a fair to mediocre job of explaining basic exposure controls which is why I assume the book is suggested.
Title [Pub.79] Download Understanding Exposure, Fourth Edition: How to Shoot Great Photographs with Any Camera by Bryan Peterson PDF Subject. Here using flash bryan peterson peterson pdf file for free, get many pdf ebooks from. Free download ebook understanding exposure, bryan peterson understanding. Buy Understanding Exposure. Due to its large file size. Bryan Peterson's Understanding Composition Field Guide. Bryan peterson understanding exposure PDF download. Hootech Video To Picture Image Converter V2.0.1227 [h33t]. Bryan Peterson Understanding Exposure: How to Shoot Great Photographs with a Film or Digital Camera (Updated.
AND when someone asks me, well what do you recommend instead; I have nothing to offer that is likewise inexpensive and, like this book, targeted to an audience well below the 'dummies' series. I will say that this website is much better than Peterson's book and it's free: and although they cost twice as much, the popular Stone/London books at least don't contain blatantly wrong information. Understanding Exposure contains critical errors, strange off-the-mark analogies and just plain nonsense.
For example: 'What exactly influences depth of field? Several factors come into play: the focal length of the lens, the distance between you and the subject you want to focus on, and the aperture you select. I feel strongly that of these three elements, aperture IS the most important.'
Peterson has strong feelings -- that's nice. In a how-to-book facts should trump feelings.
In this statement his feelings are wrong. 'The depth of field in close-up photography extends one-fourth In front of and one-half beyond the focused subject, while in regular photography the depth of field is distributed one-third In front of and two-thirds beyond the subject.'
One fourth + one half = three fourths. This is complete nonsense. In fact as you focus closer the distribution of DOF tends to even out; he's claiming the opposite, and his statement that in regular photography the distribution of DOF is one third/two thirds is just wrong. 'During the spring, the clarity of the light in the countryside results in delicate hues and tones for buds on plants and trees. This same clear light enhances the stark beauty of the autumn landscape.'
Spring and autumn light have 'clarity' that the light of summer and winter lacks?!! Rubbish and nonsense. There's lots more; this book sucks. Click to expand.Whatever it contains, it helped me quite a bit, and gave me a better understanding and more confidence in regards to exposure, as I'm sure the cambridge in color site would. You get to choose what you get out of life. I choose to learn from the resources I have at hand, absorb what makes sense, and leave behind the stuff I disagree with.
Not nitpick and criticize award winning and vastly published photographers with infinitely more experience and knowledge than myself. I'm sure we will not see eye to eye on this one. It is what it is.:cheers.